COOL Camp Handbook

Graphic Design & Print

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, climbing centers around the nation had to close their doors, albeit temporarily for most. Sender One Climbing in Los Angeles opted to pivot its business. Rather than leave their 30,000+ SF climbing center empty, they provided a space for kids to connect in a safe, health-conscious environment while doing distance learning. Climb Onward with Online Learning Camp, also known as COOL Camp, became the name and concept that I helped bring to life. This option also allowed parents working from home to have a more defined work-life balance.

A parent handbook was needed to help families become informed about camp policies, scheduling, risk management, registration, and more. Sender One requested something with well-organized information and clearly defined sections. It was especially important to design a handbook that outlined the policies around the health and safety of campers and counselors due to the impact of the pandemic.

With a large amount of information involved, I needed to design a handbook that was neatly put together and visually appealing to fit the COOL Camp brand, while being legible and simple to navigate.

The handbook outlined the purpose of the camp, the application process, pricing information, camp policies, and an important one at the time – the health and risk management that would be present. This was not only an informative guide for parents but also a selling point for the camp to show how organized and prepared we were to host such a camp for kids.

Because I needed to include a heavy amount of information, my process before designing the handbook included organizing the content of each section and deciding the order of each section. I made a number of sketches and wireframes before bringing it all together in Adobe InDesign. I wanted to ensure that the overall design was inviting and fun, especially because we knew this was something that could serve families.

Looking back at this project, we were experiencing some really unprecedented times, but it was also very rewarding to provide this option for working parents and kids.


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