Interactive Personality Quiz

UX/UI & Prototype

For one of my final undergraduate projects, I designed and created a prototype for a personality quiz. The main objective of this project was to become more familiar with prototyping and not focus so much on the user interface. However, I believe it is all related to the overall experience, so I had some fun designing this product as well!

Recently, I decided to redesign this project and make improvements to the user interface and experience. This overview will introduce my initial process while showcasing an updated version of the overall design and prototype.

something fresh

Revisiting this project offered an opportunity to refresh the look and flow of the product. I was able to initiate more sound design decisions to improve the user interface and create a more optimal experience.

Some elements I focused more deeply on during this redesign include:

  • Enhancing the colors and contrast

  • How to better utilize the information within each screen for a more a pleasant viewing

  • Small animation transitions and pagination

  • Active and inactive states

  • Navigating between screens

original design & prototype

the process


The research done for this project focused on the topic and its significance. I chose a personality quiz because they are so often used to determine how an individual can be perceived in a workplace or in general society despite an endless amount of other factors that could impact someone’s personality type. This was also a great prototyping challenge due to the number of logic flows.

  • Objective personality tests began during World War I. Soldiers were tested to see how they would handle enemy bombardment.¹ The U.S. Army wanted to determine which soldiers would be more prone to the effects of shell shock and potentially have nervous breakdowns.

  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the most popular and frequently used personality tests. The MBTI is based on preferred perceptions, which make up a personality type. This test allows users to test and determine an outcome from 16 personality types. Many companies attempt to use this test to help employees better understand their peers’ communication and working styles.²

  • The effectiveness of personality tests is questionable and often controversial since humans are complicated and individual tests cannot determine which “category” a person may fall under. Rather, there is an argument that personality tests may inform users that they fall on a personality scale, which is a more broad display.³

1 Gibby, R. E., & Zickar, M. J. (2008, August 11). A history of the early days of personality testing in American industry: An obsession with adjustment. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from
2 Harrell, E. (2021, July 14). A brief history of personality tests. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from
3 Chen, A. (2018, October 10). How accurate are personality tests? Scientific American. Retrieved September 30, 2022, from 

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